Oct. 21 & 22: MAGICO M3 show

State of the Art speaker,
floorstanding 3 way 5 driver design

The already legendary M-Project speaker from Magico was a step forward in speaker technology 2 years ago.
The new M3 picks up where M-Project left off. Magico shows a feat of craftsmanship here. This 1.20-meter-high loudspeaker with 91db efficiency is stunning.

We will play this new musical wonder with the reference amplifiers of Constellation, the Altair II pre-stage and Hercules II output stage and the TechDas III turntable with Graham poor and Koetsu element. On the digital side, we use the Ultra DAC from Meridian and the Aurender W20. Cabling is provided by MIT.
We are running these days digitally from DXD to MQA and analog both from turntable and tape.

Friday, October 21, from 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday, October 22, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
